Board members of VELOVE

Click (or tap) on the person to see their bike, and on the description to see their duties.

Hannes Portrait Hannes Bike
Hannes Heller President Hannes does not walk further than the length of his bike. Hannes over-sees and inspires all of our activities.
Manuel Portrait Manuel Bike
Manuel Holzer Vice President Manuel started fixing bikes in his basement with barely any tools, so he knows some tricks you have never dreamt of. Manuel fills in the gaps that Hannes misses. He was a founder of the Velowerkstatt.
Paul Portrait Paul Bike
Paul Beuchat Communications Paul has been riding his bike as the primary means of transport since the age of 12. Paul manages the website and our internal communications.
Tobias Portrait Tobias Bike
Tobias Grätzer Velowerkstatt Tools and Supplies Tobias rides up-hill just to get the adrenaline punch when ripping back down at full speed. Tobias ensures our tools are in good shape, and our supplies are well stocked.